What’s new?¶
Oct 6 to Oct 9, 2024: HED at sFN 2004
Stop by **sFN Booth #1839
Hear about HED – tell us about your thoughts and suggestions.
Sept 20, 2024: HED LANG 1.0.0 paper preprint available.
HED LANG 1.0.0 is new HED library schema for describing language stimuli.
HED LANG – A Hierarchical Event Descriptors library extension for annotation of language cognition experiments
Sept 8, 2024: HED SCORE 2.0.0 released.
HED SCORE 2.0.0 is a major revision to better align with SCORE standard.
August 5, 2024: INCF calls for HED community review.
HED is under consideration for endorsement by INCF.
Your comments are important: Comment here
HED application to INCF: HED INCF Application
July 25, 2024: ndx-hed 0.1.0 HED extension for NWB released on PyPI.
Initial support includes the HedTags class extending VectorData.
HedTags objects may be added as columns to any NWB DynamicTable.
July 4, 2024: HED specification v3.3.0 released.
Includes lazy partnering and HED ontology formats.
July 3, 2024: HED ontology released on Bioportal.
View on HEDBioportal
June 10, 2024: HEDTools 0.5.0 released on PyPI.
Remodeling tool validation uses JSON schema.
format and HED ontology generation for HED schemas.
Additional visualizations and summaries.
June 10, 2024: HED standard schema v8.3.0 released.
The HED schema v8.3,0 has just been released. This release introduces
globally unique identifiers for every HED element and enables mapping into a HED ontology.
May 28 - May 30, 2024: MOBI Tools Workshop at MOBI 2024
May 28th, Efficient MoBI data collection using the Lab-Streaming Layer
May 29th, Recording ‘What happened?’ using Hierarchical Event Descriptors
May 30th, Open-Science MoBI. Using open data archives and computational resources
May 23, 2024: New publication describing conceptual framework for HED
Events in context—The HED framework for the study of brain, experience and behavior
by Makeig, S. and K. Robbins (2024).
Front. Neuroinform. Vol. 18 Research Topic 15 Years of impact, open neuroscience
May 23, 2024: EEGNET Spring Colloquium (10 am - noon CDT) EEGNET 2024
Hear how EEGNET is advancing data sharing and annotation using HED.
Free but signup is required to receive zoom link.
Jan 22, 2024 HED Wikipedia Page published:
Nov. 14, 2023 Dora Hermes elected to BIDS steering committee:
HED working group member Dora Hermes from Mayo has been elected to the BIDS steering committee for a two-year term. Congratulations Dora!
Nov. 10-17, 2023 sFN (Society for Neuroscience) in Washington D.C.:
SCCN booth (#3031) provided help and information about:
NEMAR/OpenNeuro, EEGLAB, HED, LSL, and MoBI.
October 27, 2023: HEDTools version 0.4.0 released
HEDTools version 0.4.0 has been released on PyPI.
See also hed-python on GitHub.
This release includes refactoring and simplification of core models and improvements of remodeling tools.
October 4, 2023: New HED preprint Score HED library
Hierarchical Event Descriptor library schema for EEG data annotation
by Pal Attia, T., Robbins, K., Beniczky, S., Bosch-Bayard, J., Delorme, A., Lundstrom, B., Rogers, C., Rampp, S., Valdes-Sosa, P., Truong, D., Worrell, G., Makeig, S., and D. Hermes (2023).
Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15173.
September 20, 2023 16:00 CEST: INCF Workshop on HED and BIDS
Event annotation in neuroimaging using HED: from experiment to analysis
Half-day workshop at INCF Assembly 2023.
Speakers: Scott Makeig, Dung Truong, Dora Hermes, and Monique Dennisen.
September 12, 2023: New HED preprint on events in context
Events in context - A framework for the study of brain, experience and behavior
by Scott Makeig (UCSD) and Kay Robbins (UTSA)
Preprint: https://psyarxiv.com/e7jbm
DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/e7jbm
August 21, 2023: INCF 2022 HED workshop videos available
August 2, 2023: HED has a mailing list/discussion forum
The HED mailing list/discussion forum is managed via googlegroups. To join email: hed-discussion+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
July 12, 2023: HED SCORE version 1.1.0 released
This is the first HED partnered schema.
July 5, 2023: HEDTools version 0.3.1 released
HEDTools version 0.3.1 has been released on PyPI.
See also hed-python on GitHub.
This patch includes improvement to models exception handling, minor bug fixes, and improvement of format for JSON format of remodeling summaries.
June 20, 2023: HEDTools version 0.3.0 released
HEDTools version 0.3.0 has been released on PyPI.
See also hed-python on GitHub.
This version uses the new DataFrame implementation of the models for improved efficiency.
June 14, 2023: HED brain initiative meeting video poster online.
HED video poster available until June 2024:
HED: Annotation standards and software infrastructure to enable sharing of analysis-reading neuroimaging and behavior data
Presented as part of the Brain Initiative Meeting 2023.
June 2, 2023: HED online tools have a new look.
The HED online tools at https://hedtools.ucsd.edu/hed have been redesigned and streamlined.
May 12, 2023: Version 3.2.0 of the HED specification released.
Version 3.2.0 of the HED specification introduces the
tag as well as partnered and rooted library schemas. This version is the first to support the curly brace notation in sidecars.
April 28, 2023: HED standard schema v8.2.0 released.
The HED schema v8.2.0 has just been released. This release supports the
tag for annotating intermediate points in an ongoing event as well as partnered library schemas.
April 25, 2023: HED playlist goes live on YouTube.
The Hierarchical Event Descriptor playlist is now available on YouTube. A 5-part short-course on HED (from OHBM 2022) has just been released.
April 6, 2023: Version 3.1.0 of the HED specification released.
Version 3.1.0 of the HED specification clarifies existing features.
HED validators will be able to link error messages directly to descriptions in the spec.
April 3, 2023: New versions of HED schema browser available.
You can now use the HED Schema Viewer to view both standard and library schemas.
March 28, 2023: Release of HED Javascript validator for BIDS v3.9.0 on npm
The new version supports checking of onsets and offsets.
March 27, 2023: HED Workshop at CNS 2023
Title: Recording what happened during your experiment using Hierarchical Event Descriptors (HED)
Presenter: Scott Makeig UCSD and assisted by members of the HED Working Group.
Time and location: 12:15-1:15 pm Seacliff Room Hyatt Regency San Francisco Hotel.
March 24, 2023: HED is now on Twitter
Follow us at @HedDescriptors
March 22-23, 2023: HED at the 2023 Annual Assembly of the Global Brain Consortium
Directions in EEG data-sharing - panel co-chaired by Kay Robbins and Dora Hermes
Program and Registration
Feb 28, 2023: INCF Software Highlight on HED
Title: HED, a practical system for describing an experiment using an analysis-ready framework
Presenter: Kay Robbins UTSA, member of the HED Working Group.
February 22, 2023: HED YouTube Channel goes live
First video: HED Tagging 101
HED YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HierarchicalEventDescriptors/playlists
February 14, 2023: HEDTools 0.2.0 is released.
This release includes the HED remodeling tools.
Improved local caching and schema validation messages are included.
This is the first release with distinct
, anddevelop
January 28, 2023: HED SCORE Library v1.0.0 released
The HED score library schema v1.0.0 has been officially released. This library is based on the Standardized Computer-based Organized Reporting of EEG (SCORE) standard and adapted for annotation using the HED infrastructure and requirements. For more information see the SCORE schema library guide.
January 20, 2023: New preprint available
Actionable event annotation and analysis in fMRI preprint
Monique Denissen, Fabio Richlan, Jürgen Birkibauer, Mateusz Pawlik, Anna Ravenschlag, Nicole Himmelstoß, Florian Hutzler, Kay Robbins
Supporting materials and data are available at https://osf.io/93km8/.
Chapter to appear in the book Methods for analyzing large neuroimaging datasets edited by Robert Whelan and Herve Lemaitre.
January 4, 2023: New preprint available
End-to-end processing of M/EEG data with BIDS, HED, and EEGLAB preprint
Dung Truong, Kay Robbins, Arnaud Delorme, and Scott Makeig Supporting materials and data are available at https://osf.io/8brgv/.
Chapter to appear in the book Methods for analyzing large neuroimaging datasets edited by Robert Whelan and Herve Lemaitre.
January 3, 2023: Project page live
New HED organization homepage goes live at https://www.hedtags.org.