HED summary guide¶
The HED HED remodeling tools provide a number of event summaries and event file transformations that are very useful during curation and analysis.
The summaries described in this guide are:
As described in more detail in the HED remodeling quickstart tutorial and the HED remodeling tools user manual, these tools have as input, a JSON file with a list of remodeling commands and an event file. Summaries involving HED also require a HED schema version and possibly a JSON sidecar containing HED annotations.
The summary tools produce text and/or JSON summaries of the tabular files (usually event files). Summaries accumulate the results for each tabular file that is input. When the results are output, the summary tools produce an overall summary of all input files that have been processed and, if requested, also include an individual summary for each input file.
The examples in this tutorial use the Wakeman-Hanson Face Processing dataset as an example. A reduced version containing 2 subjects and no imaging data is used to produce the summaries in the examples. The reduced dataset has 6 event files each containing 200 events. The full dataset is available on OpenNeuro as ds003645.
Each example only shows the overall summary with links to the full summaries that include individual summaries. The summaries use a [number events, number files] display of the counts of how many events and files an item appears in.
Column value summary¶
The summarize_column_value
operation produces a summary of three types of columns:
categorical column: the summary counts the number of events (rows) and files for each unique column value.
value column: the summary counts the number of files containing the column and total number of rows in the column.
skip columns: are ignored.
The categorical column information is useful for spotting inconsistencies and unexpected values. For example, if a trial consists of stimulus–>key-press–>feedback and there are fewer key-press events in a file than stimulus or feedback events, you can conclude that either the participant failed to respond in some trials or the responses were not properly recorded.
The value column information in the current release of the remodeling tools is limited. However, if a value column file count is different from the number of event files in the dataset, you can conclude that some event files are missing that column or have that column multiple times. More extensive information reporting for value columns is planned for future releases.
A sample JSON remodeling file with the command for creating a column value summary is shown in the following example. The remodeling file specifies how columns are treated. Columns that are not listed as skip_columns or value_columns are assumed to be categorical columns.
Example JSON remodeling file for a column value summary.
"operation": "summarize_column_values",
"description": "Summarize the column values in an excerpt.",
"parameters": {
"summary_name": "column_values_summary",
"summary_filename": "column_values_summary",
"skip_columns": ["onset", "duration"],
"value_columns": ["stim_file", "trial"]
The following excerpt shows the dataset portion of the resulting summary in text format:
Text format excerpt with dataset-level summary of column values.
Context name: column values summary
Context type: column_values
Context filename: column_values_summary
Overall summary:
Dataset: Total events=1200 Total files=6
Categorical column values[Events, Files]:
double_press[1, 1] left_press[83, 4] right_press[168, 6] setup_right_sym[6, 6] show_circle[316, 6] show_cross[310, 6] show_face[310, 6] show_face_initial[6, 6]
famous_face[108, 6] n/a[884, 6] scrambled_face[103, 6] unfamiliar_face[105, 6]
1[77, 6] 10[15, 6] 11[13, 5] 12[9, 5] 13[7, 6] 14[6, 4] 15[2, 2] 6[1, 1] 7[2, 2] 8[6, 4] 9[10, 6] n/a[1052, 6]
delayed_repeat[71, 6] first_show[168, 6] immediate_repeat[77, 6] n/a[884, 6]
Value columns[Events, Files]:
stim_file[1200, 6]
trial[1200, 6]
Notice that there is one double_press event in the event_type column of one of the six event files analyzed in this summary. To narrow down which file this double_press event occurred in, we could look at the full text summary, which includes individual summaries for each event file.
We also observe that three values famous_face, unfamiliar_face and scrambled_face appear roughly the same number of times in the face_type across the six dataset. The large number of n/a values in face_type is because the type of face is only specified for the stimulus events:
108 (famous_face) + 103 (scrambled_face) + 105 (unfamiliar_face) =
310 (show_face) + 6 (show_face_initial)
As expected, the show_face_initial appears exactly once in each file (e.g., [6 events, 6 files]) since it is a setup-event.
HED tag summary¶
The HED tag summary gives an overall picture of the types of HED tags in the dataset along with counts and the number of files that these tags appear in. An advantage that HED tag summaries have over straight column value summaries is that the tags are comparable across experiments, while column values are experiment-specific.
The tags dictionary specifies how the results should be reported. In the following remodeling file for generating a HED tag summary, the tag counts will be grouped under the titles: “Sensory events”, “Agent actions” and “Items”. Tags that don’t fit in these three categories will be grouped under “Other tags”.
Example JSON remodeling file for a HED tag summary.
"operation": "summarize_hed_tags",
"description": "Summarize the HED tags in the dataset.",
"parameters": {
"summary_name": "hed_tag_summary",
"summary_filename": "hed_tag_summary",
"tags": {
"Sensory events": ["Sensory-event", "Sensory-presentation",
"Task-stimulus-role", "Experimental-stimulus"],
"Agent actions": ["Agent-action", "Agent", "Action", "Agent-task-role",
"Task-action-type", "Participant-response"],
"Objects": ["Item"]
"expand_context": false
The following excerpt shows the dataset portion of the resulting summary in text format when running on the reduced version face processing dataset, which has 6 event files containing a total of 1200 events.
Text format excerpt with dataset-level summary of hed tag counts
Context name: summarize_hed_tags
Context type: hed_tag_summary
Context filename: hed_tag_summary
Main tags[events,files]:
Sensory events:
Sensory-event[942,6] Cue[626,6] Experimental-stimulus[316,6]
Agent actions:
Agent-action[252,6] Press[1,1] Indeterminate-action[1,1] Participant-response[251,6]
Image[942,6] Face[148,6] Keyboard-key[1,1]
Other tags[events,files]:
Experiment-structure[6,6] Def[1199,6] Onset[948,6] Experimental-trial[1194,6]
Pathname[942,6] Intended-effect[626,6] Offset[936,6] Item-interval[148,6]
The summary indicates that the event type breakdown:
942 sensory events + 252 agent actions + 6 experiment structure events = 1200 events
Further, there were 626 cues and 316 experimental stimuli among the sensory events.
Experimental design summary¶
The HED type summary allows users to obtain a detailed summary of a particular tag. Usually type summaries are used for Condition-variable tag, which encodes experimental conditions and design. The HED conditions and design matrices tutorial explains how this information is encoded and can be used.
Type summaries based on the Task tag and Time-block tag are also informative.
Example JSON remodeling file for a HED type summary based on Condition-variable.
"operation": "summarize_hed_type",
"description": "Summarize the condition variable tags in the dataset.",
"parameters": {
"summary_name": "wh_condition_variables",
"summary_filename": "wh_condition_variables",
"type_tag": "condition-variable"
The HED type summaries automatically expand the event-context, so that an event that has an Onset tag will affect all intermediate events until its Offset.
The result of applying the above operation to the sample data is:
Text format excerpt with dataset-level summary of hed type (condition-variable) counts.
Dataset: 3 condition-variable types in 6 files with a total of 1200
key-assignment: 1 levels in 1200 events out of 1200 total events in 6 files
right-sym-cond [1200 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Index-finger', 'Right-side-of', 'Experiment-participant', 'Behavioral-evidence',
'Symmetrical', 'Index-finger', 'Left-side-of', 'Experiment-participant',
'Behavioral-evidence', 'Asymmetrical']
Description: Right index finger key press indicates a face with above average symmetry.
face-type: 3 levels in 316 events out of 1200 total events in 6 files
unfamiliar-face-cond [105 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Image', 'Face', 'Unfamiliar']
Description: A face that should not be recognized by the participants.
famous-face-cond [108 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Image', 'Face', 'Famous']
Description: A face that should be recognized by the participants
scrambled-face-cond [103 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Image', 'Face', 'Disordered']
Description: A scrambled face image generated by taking face 2D FFT.
repetition-type: 3 levels in 316 events out of 1200 total events in 6 files
first-show-cond [168 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Item-count', 'Face', 'Item-interval']
Description: Factor level indicating the first display of this face.
immediate-repeat-cond [77 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Item-count', 'Face', 'Item-interval']
Description: Factor level indicating this face was the same as previous one.
delayed-repeat-cond [71 events, 6 files]:
Tags: ['Item-count', 'Face', 'Item-interval', 'Greater-than-or-equal-to', 'Item-interval']
Description: Factor level indicating face was seen 5 to 15 trials ago.
This summary has three condition variables: key-assignment, face-type and repetition-type. The face-type and repetition-type each have three levels encoding a 3 x 3 experimental design. The face-type condition variable has three levels with roughly equal numbers of occurrences (famous-face-cond with 108 events, scrambled-face-cond with 103 events, and unfamiliar-face-cond with 105 events).
This information is similar to that obtained in the
column value summary,
but only because these condition variables were directly encoded by columns face_type
in the events files.
The HED approach allows a more general, dataset-independent extraction of design matrices
and experimental conditions.
The final condition variable key-assignment only has one level and appears in all events in all the files. In reality the key assignment is designated in a single event in each file, but it appears with an Onset and no Offset, indicating that it runs until the end of the file. The key-assignment condition actually has two levels: right-sym-cond and left-sym-cond, but this condition is counter-balanced across subjects rather than trials. The two subjects in the sample data both were assigned the right-sym-cond.